SQL training and MySQL/MariaDB database management
Relational databases (DBMS) are one of the most common standardized methods
how to store structured data and then work with them in various ways.
The SQL query language is then used to retrieve data from the relational database.
One of the most commonly used databases, especially in the area of web applications,
is the MySQL/MariaDB database.
If you learn
use SQL and MySQL/MariaDB
you can be sure that you will apply this knowledge in your profession in IT fields.
Basics of SQL
The aim of the SQL Basics training is to learn how to work with relational databases using SQL
The course is for
The course is intended for those who need to store structured data in relational databases and I need to retrieve and update this data, which is what the SQL query language is for
You will learn at this cource
You will learn the training to use real databases, ie to create database tables, work with data and use the SQL language
Training syllabus
- What is a relational database
- DB tools - consoles, desktops (DBeaver), web ...
- Data types
- Creating tables
- Basic data operations: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
- Sort sorting etc .: Group by, Order, Count
- Joining tables. JOIN statement
- Subqueries
- Integrated functions: SUM, COUNT, ...
Knowledge requirements:
Ability to think about structured data - such as stored in a spreadsheet (Exel, Calc)
Equipment requirements:
- MySql or MariaDB database installed.
MySQL/MariADB database administration
The goal of the MySQL/MariDB database administration training is to learn how to work with the database as an administrator - that is, running, sufficient performance and data.
The course is for
The course is intended for administrators of Linux servers
You will learn at this cource
Trained to learn how to install a database server, create databases, create users, and assign access data , back up the database and optimize database performance.
Training syllabus
- Install a MySQL or MariaDB database
- Creating databases
- Create and manage user accounts
- Configuration optimization
- Tracking slow queries
- Database backup and recovery
- Storage engines MyISAM vs InnoDB
Knowledge requirements:
Basic knowledge of GNU/Linux OS and command line work.
Equipment requirements:
- GNU/Linux operating system, ideally a Debian distribution.
I am interested in MySQL/MariaDB database administration training